Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 5 - Lake Havasu

Left Mesquite this AM, but not too early. Did a little backtracking and "Screwing Around" to get into a propane filling station - fairly expensive Gas - about $3.45/Gal, I think. Then needed to fill with Gas at a Chevron station. Don't want to go there again. They always want you to give a 5 digit Zip Code at the pumps, and a Canadian one won't work, so you have to go through the clerk there and have to give a $$$ amount that you need - If you don't need what you anticipate you credit card is credited with what you did not use . I guess not too big a deal, but just aggravating. Any way we were on the road by about 10:00AM, and into Vegas at near noon. As neither of use were interesting in gambling and really just wanted to get to the desert where we could really relax and just sit for a few days, we decided to just roll right through Vegas. Denice snapped a few shots out the window as we passed the major casinos, but we were through in less than an hour, thanks to directions from "Streets & Trips". From there we went down across the Dam, as I wanted to see the progress on the new Bridge. Again unable to stop, until we were up to a view-point on the south side, so will ahve to settle with Denices shots-on-the-move. But I was able to see how the progess s going. They are anticipating on being done by September 2009, but it looks like an awful lot of work to do yet. They are just working on the arch structure yet, and still will need several more months to complete that and then start to build the supprts that will hold the highway running surfaces. After the dam we just continued down Highway 93, to Kingman, then down I-40 for 40 miles, then onto 95 down to Lake Havasu. We went directly to Crazy Horse RV park, that is just across to London Bridge. Checked into a spot rght on the water. We had been there before and enjoyed it, although a little windy today. A little pricey ($40), but ythat was OK. Still enjoyed it. I asked at the gate where I could get a wash job on ELTORO. He told me he would send a crew down to do it for me and let me know when the would be available. They came by at about 5:00PM and said the would be able to fit me in in the morning at 8:00AM. Cost would be $3.00/ft. Thats $105, but I said to go ahead. It needed it.Oh, a little trivia. I have to tell this one on Denice. Once we got settled in we decide we shoulf]d go and get some groceries as we had not bought any since leaving home and were in short supply of many things. So new to Havasu, weren't sure where the groceries stores were. Denice says she say one were we came in to the city. Well that is quite q ways back, but that OK, so we unhook the jeep and drive away back. She says the store is "Lowes" and it is suppoesed to be a good grocery store. We have never been to one, but we will give it a try. On the way out we talked about it and we both thought that Lowes was a Lumber store. Oh well we will give it a try. Well, guess what? It is a hardware store - no groceries, so we had a good laugh at ourselves, and drove back into Havasu until we came to Food City, Bought what we need and went home.

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