Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Our First Week in Our Preferred RV Park

22nd October (Monday)
Laundry Day

Met a couple of our neighbors from Nova Scotia - Bessie and _ _ _ _ _ _ Nickerson. Chatted quite awhile. Seemed like a nice couple. Damn, I hate it when I can't remember a persons name that I just met!!!!  (Oct 31st update - Now I see them almost every night at the hot tub and I just keep hoping that I will pick up on his name - I may just have to bite the bullet and confess I have forgot his name)
  23rd October (Tuesday)
Nothing new to report - R&R only
Set up Denice's New Stitching Craft Stand, Water the lawn, Feed the birds.
Hot tub in the evening - Usually by myself but tonight accompanied by a couple (Rose Mary and Don) that are wagon masters for the Discovery Rally happening here until Sunday.

24th October (Wednesday)
Today ELTORO gets a bath. The "Next Step" crew comes at 8:00AM and washes and waxes the motorhome.

Seems like a good job as he uses Reverse Osmoses Soft water that he has de-ionized. Supposed to leave no water marks. We'll see. Turned out very good. The two guys worked on the job from 8:00AM until nearly 1:00PM.

25th October (Thursday)
Went over to McAllen today to McAllen Glass and ordered a glass saw so I can do better job of cutting and shaping my glass. Have to get back to that hobby soon!!

26th October (Friday)
Walked the Bentsen state park birding trail this morning. Not a lot of birds as they do not start feeding the birds until Nov - 4 days from now. 

Camouflaged Screech Owl

3 birds - a Scissortail Flycatcher, a Mockingbird, and a Kingbird


We still had a good walk and at the hawk observation tower met a very interesting man. He is a hawk counting volunteer, and he told us a lot of things about hawks that we sure never knew before. Namley, there are only 4 classifications of hawks. I'm not sure that I understand the classifications, but all varieties fall under these clasifications. You can tell some of the varieities by the way they fly. They all search for thermals and when they find them they continually circle following the thermal higher and higher. Vultures and broad winged hawks tend to make very broad circles, but the Swenson hawks make tighter circles. Hawkes nver fly over broad expanses of water. The reason being there are no thermals over water. Thermals are caused by dark patches of ground, so the tend to avoid water, and also hawkes can find no food over water. The counter guy had seen and recorded something like 150 hawks that day. He explained that all hawks migrate south . Some from as far north as Alaska, and travel all the way to Argentina. Many many volunteers take the time to count and record numbers of them flying by. As they won't fly over water, Central America (Panama) is a choke point like a funnel, so great numbers are counted there.

27th October (Saturday)
Away today to Harlingen to Denice's stitching store. I allowed her two hours in the store while I wandered around through some Thrift stores, but she said, "Oh, I won't need near that long"  Well I was back in about an hour and 15 minutes, and still had to wait an additional 45 minutes. Do I know her or what!!!  She still has not told me what she bought, or how much she spent. Probably will never know!  On the way home stopped in McAllen at "the Olive Garden" for a late lunch. Was very good as it always is. Then home. Today was a much cooler day with the high only being about 65 °F. A cold front is moving through for a day or two.

28th October (Sunday)

Just a bird

Camouflaged Screech Owl

Soon to be Texas Steak

Camouflaged Paraque

Close up of his head

He is Watching!!!

Lizard on the Wall

Ultamira Oriole

When I see this I see Bowls
SKYPE day -Kids all good - share Christmas draw names - Only one adult gift to MAKE this year. Of course the little ones do not participate in this game. They get gifts from everyone!! Thats what Christmas is all about for kids!

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