Jan 7th and 8th
On the 7th we just set everything up as we are going to b stationary for the next month. We just put down the outside carpet, lowered the awnings, set up table and chairs and bar-b-que, washed the windows and everthing inside. After completing that we just relaxed and enjoyed the warm day and the peace and quiet here.
The 8th, was pretty much a repeat, although the weather was not as good. Forecasters tell us to expect 2" rain over the next few days!
Jan 6th
Today is moving day. Packed ELTORO and headed off down the road to Rockport/Fulton after saying out farewells to Heddie, Theresa and Loren and Family. Last night I gave each of the kids a Loonie and a Toonie for a novelty for them as a rememberance of their Canadian Cousins. They both thought that was pretty neat. Jake at 10 Years old new that a Loonie was a Canadian Bird. So, you see some Americans do know something about Canada, after all!! The trip down from their place to Fulton was only 166 miles so we arrived by 2:30PM and checked in to Bay View RV Resort. Check in had us in site 504 near the office but advised us to drive around and pick any site of our preference, and they would see if it was available or another close by. 504 was good and likely able to access WIFI from the the clubhouse as it is not availble throughout the total Park, but was maybe a little too close to a lot of activity. After driving around we picked a site way up to the north away for high traffic and quiet
Jan 5th
Quiet Day, made one trip into town to get some floss for Denice's stitching at Hobby Lobby, also a rug for in front of the kitchen sink andsome soil for her rose plant at Walmart
Picked up some shrimp and chicken nuggets for lunch and returned home as Denice has another ear ache
Jan 4th
Up early this morning as we had an appointment for a service for ELTORO at 8:00AM
All started well, except for the coffee that I spilled on the carpet, but then everything seemed to go to Hell. Had to get ELTORO ready to roll, meaning crawling partially under the vehicle to detach and take the tire protectors off and store them. A OK. Then to Campers World for the service. Still OK. Bought some things need for the motor home, awning side shade, awning tie downs, awning flapper stoppers, and eaves troughs extensions. In a couple of hours the service was done as well as tightening an exhaust connection to the manifold. All is still good. Then back out to the acreage, after dumping the tanks at Campers World. Thats when things started to fall apart. Once leveled and set up came inside to put out the slides. For some reason felt for my hearing aids, and found the left one missing. Then the hunt began as this is a $1350 hit. Looked everywhere, especially under ELTORO as this would be the most likely place to have them rubbed off. No Luck. Then back to Campers World, checked all isles with no luck, also the dump station, maybe not the choice of a place to loose something that attaches to your face, but have to cover all possibilities. Again no luck. Left my name and phone number with the clerk in case someboby should turn them in, and went back home. Went to hang my motor home keys up and found them missing. I have one set, but the second is missing!! Sometimes wonder if my head is attached. Look everywhere for them with no success. So peed off that I just gave up and had soup that Denice had brewed up and then had a short nap, to settle my nerves. Denice said, " It's not the end of the world. Just suck it up and buy a new one, and in the mean time, lets get a smile on your face." Yah sure, easy for her to say! It had been raining outside so waited until about 4:00PM, until it dried a little and the returned out for another look around for my "ear." Within 10 minutes, there in the grass beside the front tire, there it was, and I hadn't even run over it. Hallelujah!!! Haven't found the keys yet, but not a big deal, keys are replaceable!! So now the hearing aid is drying, hopefully no harm done. We'll see!
Checked after a few hours of drying and everything is in working order. Amazing that I drove out and then backed in again and never run over them. Someone must be looking after me today after all, and then to top it off after we had Dinner with our hosts, Loren found our keys on his kitchen cupboard. I love a story that ends well!!!
Jan 3rd
Into New Braunfels for groceries - Take Hettie to Doctors appointment
Then to Hobby Lobbie for Denice to look for some stitching floss (without success)
Then to HEB to replenish or groceries. I was prepared for the worst to buy all that stuff necessary for the next leg of our journey, but was pleasantly surprised with only a $145 hit - Came home and put everything away, but went back in at 4:30 to Rudy's Bar-B-Que to buy a bunch of meat and sides for dinner tonight. Brisket, Ribs, Chicken, potatoes, cole slaw, creamed corn, and Rudy's special sissy sauce. Set it all up at Theresa and Loren's and boy was it good. They had to go out for the evening so we retired fairly early.
Jan 2nd
Wake up call at Delta Hotel at 4:00AM this morning
Over to airport and checkin at 5:00AM - through security and board at 6:14AM and fly out at 7:00AM arriving in Dallas/Ft Worth Terminal "D"at 11:30AM
Board Terminal Transit train and ride to Terminal "C" and board Flight to San Antonio at 1:00PM, arriving at 2:05M.
Loren and Heddie are there to meet us and after getting luggage the take us home to ELTORO
All is OK with ELTORO, Fill water tank and we are OK to go
Jan 1st
Lock down everything in our house, secured for a few months
Make sure Bill and Dorthy, our neighbors, will look after the house while we are gone
Talk to Lawrence and Marlene, neighbors on other side, to make sure they will take the garbage out - Lawrence has key to house and Garage door opener. Sure nice to have such good neighbors, who watch out for us!!
Ross comes at 11:00AM and we leave for airport at about 2:00PM
Check in at Delta Hotel, then go for dinner at Montana's with Ross, he then goes home
We settle in for night after a "Tim Hortons" coffee and doughnut
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