Jan 7th - Furnace Repair guys arrive about 11:00AM
Install furnace and it seems to work OK
Charge $338, Module $147, $55 or first visit, Remove, clean, re-install was remaining amount
Seems a high price, and I have no way of knowing if a new Module was infact installed. I believed it was likely just an igniter, but what would I know!!
That repaired, we were out of vitals for the table so went to Win Dixie for replenishments. Also Walmart for vitals for the BIRDS. Cost more for them than for ourselves.
Then as the day was still young decided to go down to Homasassa to the Wildlife Preserve. Here, a very large freshwater springs flows from the ground and is the source of the Crystal River.
These springs producing Six hundred million gallons of fresh water flow daily from more than thirty natural springs. The temperature of the water flowing from the springs remains a constant 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Manatees, like people, are susceptible to cold and hypothermia and cannot survive for extended periods when water temperatures fall below 68 degrees Fahrenheit. These warm water springs are essential for manatee survival. This gentle giant is endangered largely because of alteration and destruction of coastal habitats by man. We went to the main pool and observed at very close range, six of the Gentle Giants, and watched them being fed carrots and lettuce.
Jan 8th - Waited all day at home as propane was to be delivered today. We still have a fair amount, near 1/2 tank, but I Iike to run on the top half tank rather than the bottom half. We did not use as much as I thought we would since the furnace was non existent for 3 days and we had to rely on our electric heater. Now a little about that furnace; we, my faithful companion and I, have had a few slightly heated discussions about its use. She feels that RV Parks do not charge rates to cover the use of high electric usage heaters and we should not use them when we have furnace of our own, burning paid for propane. I, maybe a little Scotch showing through, feel the opposite. The parks are taking into account the use of heaters and unless they specifically request non-usage, you should feel free to use them. On this trip, near the start I found a very nice heater that has two levels of heat and oscillates as well. I bought it without approval. She was non commital when I showed it to her, but during this last untimely cold spell in Florida, without furnace, my dear wife was more than happy to use it, and even once prolaimed that maybe we should have another one in case one fails. Taaa Daaa!!! I rest my case!!!
Anyway, we waited all day for propane, and when had given up hope at dark, it finally arrived and we were filled with propane. Only 15 gallons required, but at the highest price I have ever paid, $4.69/ gal with tax and delivery added on top for a total of $83. FLORIDA IS EXPENSIVE!!
Jan 9th - Up this morning and head on over to "The Villages" to see Dick and Elaine Harris. Remember, a few days ago I wrote about how we had ment up with them? Well they only live about 40 miles to the east of us, and we enjoyed their company so much a couple of years ago, that we just could not be this close, and by-pass a chance to meet with them again. They stil have there Kountry Star, but lived in it full time for 4 years, so thought it time to settle for a while. They chose a retirement area designed and biult by a family group familiar with what retirees want and desire. It is a huge development with many small villages. Each is developed with a golf course as a center, so that all the residences have a Green space in the front. There is a total of about 30 courses, most of them 9 hole ones, and several Rec Centers. All were open the the resident members. As well there was a couple of town centers that were well designed, with all the shopping conveniences that you could wish. The whole area is set up so that transportation may be by car, or preferrably by golf carts. They have there own 2 lane highways, and are well used. The whole area is supposed to be limited to 100,000 residents, but it seems tremendously popular, so time will tell. We spent a delightful day with them and the drove us around to see all the sights. There seems so much to do there that they seem busy every day and night. They do have a brand new lovely home all on one level. Built with retirement in mind. Elegance but simplicity!! Returned home by 5:00PM.
Jan 10th - Had a rather "Open Day" today with nothing planned. Discussed what we should do. Had heard about Weeki Wachee and some kind of synchronized swimming there, but had no idea what it was all about, so decided to drive the twenty miles to check it out.
Went in the afternoon and found Weeki Wachee State Park right along the #19 highway. Mermaid statues around the parking lot welcomedus to the site. We went in and for $13 entrance went to see a "Mermaid" show. We were there at about 2:00PM and the final show of the day was at 2:30PM, so we only had to spend about $25 in the gift shop while waiting for the show. Still really did not know what to expect. At 2:20PM entered to below water theater. Curtain rose at 3:00, and a great panorama opened to viewing. Here is a very large warm water spring flowing from a deep cavern in the ground. Being underwater, size was hard to determine, but I would estimate the carvern was 100 feet across and maybe 50 feet deep, maybe more, but our vision was limited by the props for the show. The show was "The Little Mermaid". It was terrific, and was executed in delightful fashion. Three "Mermaids, and the Shipwrecked Sailor", performed the story in great detail. The performers were tremendous swimmers, and although an obvious speaker related the story, the mermaids mined the words. so that to an unknowning person you would believe the words were in fact delivered from the mouths of those underwater. Not being a swimmer myself, I have no idea how, when you are submerged that you an open your mouth and voice words without drowning. Truely amazing!! We took many, many pictures, and they for the most part turned out good.
This pool, as it is the source of a fairly large river that runs to the Gulf, and is at 74 degrees Fahrenheit. Turtles and Manatee frequent thie pool, so during the show the Mermaids had to deal with many of the hard shelled friends, and near the end of their performance, even on old Manatee put in an appearance. Just a delightful day and a great experience. I think one of the outstanding memories of this trip so far to date.
Jan 11th - Nothing but rest today
Jan 12th - Organize and get ready to move on. Store all the stuff we have around ELTORO. Bird feeders and waterers, awnings up, Bar-B-Que away, carpet stored, etc,etc. Took one last trip over to a bridge to see I we can see some Manatees, but were unsucessful. Difficult to see ito the water when the wind is blowing, so we just stopped at a KFC for chicken and returned home for an early supper.
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